Tentokrát se jedná o panenky z edice Jem and The Holograms, které představují postavy ze stejnojmeného seriálu. Přesné podrobnosti neznám, pokud máte zájem, můžete si to dohledat 
Limited Edition of 1000 Dolls Only
Estimated Ship Date: Early March 2013
KIMBER BENTON is romantic, rebellious, and emotional, and she sometimes envies the attention that is paid to her big sister, JERRICA BENTON. Ever since she was a child, KIMBER has been writing and playing music. Her father had hoped that she would follow her late mom's path into music and she did- She writes songs, plays keyboards, and sings backing vocals for The Holograms. She is also the co-owner of Starlight Music with her sister, JERRICA BENTON.
KIMBER BENTON is a fully articulated 12-inch vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand applied eyelashes. Perfectly styled with an awesome 80's look, KIMBER BENTON comes dressed in her truly outrageous stage costume and includes high-heeled pumps, her true-to-character, ultra-detailed keytar instrument with plug-in amp cable, shoulder strap, doll stand and a certificate of authenticity. For adult collectors 14 and up only!
**Please note that the photos are of prototype dolls and subject to changes and modifications.
Limited Edition of 1000 Dolls Only
Estimated Ship Date: Early March 2013
AJA LEITH was the Benton sisters' first foster sister. She's a levelheaded tomboy who enjoys sports, is good with tools, and speaks Chinese (she's Asian-American). AJA usually drives the Rockin' Roadster, too. She plays lead guitar in The Holograms!
AJA LEITH is a fully articulated 12-inch vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand applied eyelashes. Ready to dazzle the audience and demonstrate the extent of her finely tuned guitar talents, AJA LEITH comes dressed in her truly outrageous stage costume and includes high-heeled pumps, her signature ultra-detailed electric guitar, complete with realistic miniature strings, whammy bar and plug-in amp cable! It also includes a doll stand and a certificate of authenticity. For adult collectors 14 and up only!
**Please note that the photos are of prototype dolls and subject to changes and modifications.
Limited Edition of 1000 Dolls Only
Estimated Ship Date: Early March 2013
SHANA ELMSFORD was the second foster sister that the Bentons brought into their home. She's less confident than the other Holograms, but she not only plays drums, she also designs the girls' outfits. In fact, at one point, she leaves the band to work full-time as a designer, but eventually returns - and then, switches to play bass guitar! SHANA is one of the most multi-talented HOLOGRAMS!
SHANA ELMSFORD is a fully articulated 12-inch vinyl doll with rooted hair and hand applied eyelashes. Always ready for a good jam session, SHANA ELMSFORD comes dressed in her truly outrageous stage costume and includes high-heeled pumps, her signature ultra-detailed bass guitar, complete with realistic miniature strings, whammy bar and plug-in amp cable! It also includes a doll stand and a certificate of authenticity. For adult collectors 14 and up only!
Tohle je řada, která jde naprosto mimo mě. Nejenže jsou panenky opravdu bláznivé, včetně vlasů, líčení i oblečení. Ale taky mají jiná tělíčka s většíma chodidlama, tudíž by byl i problém s botkama. I když fialová Shana není nejhorší ;-)
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