Just in time for Mother's Day... Integrity Toys and Paramount Pictures are proud to introduce the boldest mother of them all... Mommie Dearest!
In this latest addition to the collection of officially licensed dolls based on some of Paramount Studios most iconic films, Integrity Toys recreates one of the most often quoted movie scenes of all times!
The greatest role of her life... was her life.
In 1939, Joan Crawford, one of Hollywood's biggest stars, decides to adopt children to fill a void in her life. But as the years went by, her tumultuous love life, alcohol addiction and the constant pressures of the film industry turned her-according to the film and book it was based upon- into a mentally abusive wreck.
Seen through the eyes of her children, who unwillingly bore the burden of a life that was unseen behind the closed doors of "The Most Beautiful House in Brentwood", Mommie Dearest depicts their adoptive upbringing at the hands of the glamorous movie queen.
The movie's lavish artistic direction and over-the-top yet often comical portrayal of the star turned Mommie Dearest into an instant cult classic. Laden with one-liners that have been staples of pop-culture for the last 30+ years, Mommie Dearest is without a doubt one of the most memorable movies of all time!
To celebrate this fan favorite, the Integrity Toys creative team, in collaboration with Paramount Pictures, is proud to introduce this commemorative collectible fashion doll gift set!
One thing is certain; you'll never look at a wire hanger the same way again!
About the gift set...
Mommie Dearest™
Limited edition of 800 dolls
Approximate Ship Date: Early July 2013.
This iconic adult collectible doll gift set includes a 12-inch fully articulated vinyl doll (on the Integrity Toys body) with hand-applied eyelashes and rooted hair. By day, Mommie Dearest is ready for her dramatic appearance on screen in her perfectly tailored two-piece skirt suit, complete with hat and jewelry, but surprise... By night, she's ready to unleash her uncontrollable fury for cleanliness with nothing but her face cream and nightgown on! This set includes a doll body, two distinctive sculpts with QUICK SWITCH* feature, two complete costumes, a miniature wire hanger, two pairs of shoes, earrings, hat, doll stand and certificate of authenticity. (For adult collectors ages 14 and up only).
A Quick Switch of her sculpt and Mommie Dearest is ready for madness!
**Please note that the photos are of prototype doll and accessories. Final product subject to changes and modifications.
*NEW! Introducing the QUICK SWITCH sculpt swap system!
Starting with the Mommie Dearest doll, the Integrity Toys design team is proud to reveal that a selected few of our collectible dolls will feature a new, ultra-convenient neck post that will allow collectors to switch between head sculpts without the need to pre-heat the vinyl first! Simply pull, switch and click on a new head for a dramatic new look!
A few notes about this new system:
-Is 100% compatible with all existing Integrity Toys 12" doll sculpts (FR, Poppy, DG, etc.).
-Only the dolls specifically marked as such will feature this new neck peg. All of our female bodies will be upgraded to this neck peg in the near future, however, at the moment, only the Mommie Dearest sculpt will have this.
-The QUICK SWITCH system will work best at room temperature or slightly higher. If you live in a colder climate, please wait until your doll has reached room temperature or slightly higher before attempting to switch heads.
-Further instructions will be provided with the Mommie Dearest gift set!
A few notes about this new system:
-Is 100% compatible with all existing Integrity Toys 12" doll sculpts (FR, Poppy, DG, etc.).
-Only the dolls specifically marked as such will feature this new neck peg. All of our female bodies will be upgraded to this neck peg in the near future, however, at the moment, only the Mommie Dearest sculpt will have this.
-The QUICK SWITCH system will work best at room temperature or slightly higher. If you live in a colder climate, please wait until your doll has reached room temperature or slightly higher before attempting to switch heads.
-Further instructions will be provided with the Mommie Dearest gift set!
Tentokrát je textu trochu víc, ale připadá mi to zajímavé, tak jsem to ponechala.
Film "Drahá maminko" jsem viděla před mnohla lety a byla to vážně síla. Faye Dunawayovou nemám moc ráda (herecké kvality jí neupírám
) a tímhle filmem si moc nepolepšila. Abych pravdu řekla, z celého filmu si nejvíc pamatuju právě tu část ze které je tahle panenka. Tedy hysterickou scénu při které nakonec malý blonďatý andílek dostane výprask drátěným ramínkem. Docela drsné. Ale panenka se mi líbí, i když je taková retro a v pleťové masce. Ale má mou oblíbenou tvář Dania, která mi zatím chybí ;-)
Další příjemné překvapení je nový typ uchycení hlavy k tělíčku, takže bude snadnější její výměna. Navíc píšou, že je tělíčko kompatibilní se všemi aktuálními hlavami a postupně toto uchycení zavedou u všech "ženských" tělíček, která IT vyrábí. Tak to se opravdu těším. Tedy za předpokladu, že vše bude fungovat tak jak má 
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